Michael Hotka's
Req. #54 - Apollo 15 Observation

Observe on Lunar Day (after New Moon): 7 or 20

Lunar Day Seen: 7

Date/Time: 12/12/2021 17:00 Local Time

Location: 1425 Snowberry Lane, Broomfield, CO

Seeing: VG

Transparency: 5

Instrument Used: 8" f/6 Newtonian Telescope

Magnification: 203x

Estimated Lunar Epoch: Area effected by Imbrian period

Actual Lumar Epoch: Imbrian

Reasoning/Description: At edge of rim off a highlands between Mare Serenitatis and Mare Imbrian on Montes Apenainus. Probably looking for ejecta from these two large basin formation.

Sketch (click for larger image)

Apollo 15 Landing Site (click for larger image)


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