Michael Hotka's
Req. #55 - Apollo 16 Observation

Observe on Lunar Day (after New Moon): 7 or 20

Lunar Day Seen: 7

Date/Time: 12/12/2021 18:06 Local Time

Location: 1425 Snowberry Lane, Broomfield, CO

Seeing: VG

Transparency: 5

Instrument Used: 8" f/6 Newtonian Telescope

Magnification: 203x

Estimated Lunar Epoch: Area is old. Nectarian

Actual Lumar Epoch: Pre-Imbrian

Reasoning/Description: Landed north of a bright ray and on a tiny ray. There is a small, bright crater very near where they landed. The ray material was of interest to them.

Sketch (click for larger image)

Apollo 16 Landing Site (click for larger image)


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