Michael Hotka's
Activity 2 - Telling time - Diptych Sundial Results

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August 10, 2024

The last few days we have been receiving a lot of rain in Colorado. Ergo, it is cloudy most of the time.

As I finished building my Diptych Portable Sundial, it was a cloudless, sunny sky.

I took my portable sundial outside and set it up on the patio table in my backyard. This is the first time I am using my Diptych Sundial.

I used the offset on my compass to align the Sundial with celestial north. I used a bubble level to level the sundial.

Note, when your cell phone is near a compass, it will effect the direction it points. In the above picture, the compass was perfectly aligned with celestial north. Only when I brought my phone close to my setup to take this picture, you can see a slight deviation in the compass's pointing due to the electromagnetic effects the cell phone produces.


September 19, 2024

Don't worry about the compass being slightly off in this picture. Before I brought my cell phone close to my table to take this picture, it was pointed directly at the celestial north.



December 14, 2024

The blocks and shims makes the sundial level.

Alignment. Click on image for a larger image.

Click on image for a larger image.

Click on image for a larger image.


Local time 11:04 PM MST.

Sundial reading about 11:22 AM.

12/14/2024 is Julian DOY: 349.

EOT for today is about +2 min adjustment.

That makes the sundial local time 11:24 am.


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