Michael Hotka's
Activity 2 - Telling time - Equatorial Sundial Results

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January 28, 2024

This is the first time I am using my Horizontal Sundial. There is significant snow on the ground where my celestial stakes are.

I used the offset on my compass to align the Sundial with celestial north.

The Gnome in the Sundial


Local time 12:00 pm.

Sundial reading about 12:05 pm.

EOT for today is -12 min adjustment.

That makes the sundial local time 11:53 am.

June 16, 2024

The line between the stakes are aligned with celestial north. The board is level.


Local time 12:20 PM DST.

Sundial reading about 11:28 AM.

6/16/2024 is Julian DOY: 168.

EOT for today is -3 min adjustment.

That makes the sundial local time 11:25 am.

This is a very accurate reading.


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