Michael Hotka's
Great Conjunction of 2020 - My Astro-Friend's
December 15, 2020 December 16, 2020 December 18, 2020 December 19, 2020 December 20, 2020 December 21, 2020 The above images were taken by MJ Post of Longmont, Colorado. It shows the separation of the two planets from night to night getting closer, up to December 21, 2020, when they were the closest, just 0.1 degrees apart.
This image was taken by Brian Kimball on December 21, 2020 from Longmont, Colorado.
This image was taken by amateur Bob Fugate, who lives in New Mexico on the night of December 21, 2020.
This image was taken by amateur Todd Thalimer, who lives in Colordo on the night of December 21, 2020.
This image was taken by my niece, Libby Lundgren of Winterset, Iowa using her cell phone on December 21, 2020
The following images were taken in front of my home in Broomfield, CO on the night of December 21, 2020. A couple of close friends, my wife, daughter and granddaughter formed a star party to watch the conjunction.
Star Party attendees from front to back, Chuck Davis and Claudia Davis, friends, Halie Hotka, our granddaughter and Barbara Hotka, my wife. My daughter Jennifer Hotka and two neighbors, Monica and David, that took turns viewing the conjunction through my 8" f/6 Newtonian, are not pictured.
Our view of Jupiter and Saturn was between the two neighbor's house to the south of my house.
A closeup of the previous picture. My hand is not as steady as my niece's hand was.
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