Michael Hotka's
Req. #19 - Furnerius, Furnerius A Observation
Observe on Lunar Day (after New Moon): 9
Lunar Day Seen: 9
Date/Time: 1/11/2022 18:27 Local Time
Location: 1425 Snowberry Lane, Broomfield, CO
Seeing: VG
Transparency: 5
Instrument Used: 8" f/6 Newtonian Telescope
Magnification: 203x
Estimated Lunar Epoch: Copernician
Actual Lumar Epoch: Unknown
Reasoning/Description: Furnerius A is not as bright as other young, rayed craters near it, but can see bright ejecta near where it is. There are lots of criss crossing rays from a bright crater to the west and one to the east. A Tycho ray approaches this area from the right in the FOV. I drew only the rays that I could trace back to Furnerius and Furnerius A although the right most ray might be from the crater near and to the southeast of Furnerius. Its hard to believe Furnerius A created all these rays because it is so small.
Darker areas are the lighter areas as I observed them. I then inverted the image to get the way I saw it on the moon.
Sketch (click for larger image)
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