Michael Hotka's
Req. #41 - Posidonius Observation

Observe on Lunar Day (after New Moon): 5 or 18

Lunar Day Seen: 18

Date/Time: 11/22/2021 21:10 Local Time

Location: 1425 Snowberry Lane, Broomfield, CO

Seeing: VG

Transparency: 5

Instrument Used: 8" f/6 Newtonian Telescope

Magnification: 203x

Estimated Lunar Epoch: Pre-Nectarian

Actual Lunar Epoch: Upper Imbrian

Reasoning/Description: Was made before lave filled basins because base is filled with lava. Rim barely above Mare lava and east rim wall eroded down. Young crater on floor of crater in lava base. 2 young craters on bottom rim wall. I disagree with actual Epoch value.

Sketch (click for larger image)


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