Michael Hotka's
Req. #52 - Cassini Observation
Observe on Lunar Day (after New Moon): 9 or 22
Lunar Day Seen: 8
Date/Time: 12/13/2021 20:17 Local Time
Location: 1425 Snowberry Lane, Broomfield, CO
Seeing: VG
Transparency: 6
Instrument Used: 8" f/6 Newtonian Telescope
Magnification: 203x
Estimated Lunar Epoch: Imbrian
Actual Lumar Epoch: Pre-Nectarian
Reasoning/Description: Sketched this one by mistake. Only discovered the mistake when I went to log date and time and saw I should have sketched Apollo 16. I added it for fun. Observation: Now this whole area is very light colored. Ray ejecta from Copernicus over this area. The crater to north of landing site is surrounded by bright ejecta. A very nice view. Hard to find because most reference craters not seen. Crater hopped from Copernicus to find this pensiula between the two Mares.
Sketch (click for larger image)
Apollo 12 Landing Site (click for larger image)
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