Guide for Converting Latitude/Longitude Coordinates
Fractions of
degrees are broken down into minutes and seconds. Each minute represents
1/60th of a degree and each second represents 1/60th of a minute (or 1/3600th
of a degree). Below are the steps of converting from an angle in
degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees and back to
GPS Coordinate Explanation
D = Degrees
M = Minutes
S = Seconds
.m = Decimal Minutes
.s = Decimal Seconds
DM.m = Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (eg. 45o22.6333)
D.d = Degrees, Decimal Degrees (eg. 45.3772o)
DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (eg. 45o22'38")
Process for Converting Latitude/Longitude Coordinates: 1) DMS --> DM.m (45o22'38" --> 45o22.6333)
- Divide S by 60 to get .m (38/60=.6333)
- Add .m to M to get M.m (22+.6333=22.6333)
2) DM.m --> D.d (45o 22.6333 --> 45.3772)
- Divide M.m by 60 to get .d (22.6333/60=.3772)
- Add .d to D to get D.d (45+.3772=45.3772)
3) D.d --> DM.m (45.3772 --> 45o22.6333)
- Multiply .d by 60 to get M.m (.3772*60=22.6333)
4) DM.m --> DMS (45o22.6333 --> 45o22'38")
- Multiply .m by 60 to get S(.6333*60=38)
Converting Degrees, Minutes, Seconds to Decimal Format
latitude and longitude in a decimal format: 42.1361
latitude and longitude in degree, minute, second format: 42deg, 08min, 10sec
To convert coordinates from degrees, minutes,
seconds format to decimal format, use this easy formula:
degrees + (minutes/60) +
The example coordinate above would be
calculated as:
42 + (8/60) + (10/3600) = 42.1361
42 + (.1333) + (.0028) = 42.1361